Shriekback (Lewes)

A while back, I joined in a crowdfunder to support Shriekback's new album and separate one, I think, for them to play a gig in Lewes. Or maybe it was all one fund: I really can't remember.

Anyway, the upshot was that along with a bunch of other crowdfunders, the Minx and I were invited for a couple of days in Lewes to visit the band in the studio, to see a rehearsal, and then the gig itself. 

Now, the thing is this: I love socialising but I don't really enjoy being with a bunch of strangers, even ones with whom I have something in common. It's probably why I have never got on with networking and why I'm not particularly effective at exhibitions; I just don't enjoy making conversation with strangers. (As a caveat to this, I should say I'm (usually) happy meeting friends of friends.)

So, as the event approached, I realised that I wasn't that fussed about going to the studio or the rehearsal, which seemed to me would be a bit awkward, anyway. So in the end, we didn't go down until the Friday. I was briefly tempted to join the pre-gig drinks by way of apologising for being antisocial but then we passed the other crowdfunders in the street and I suggested to the Minx that we stick with our plan to go for a bite to eat.

The gig itself was fantastic, though. The venue was small - and, sadly, not very full - but the sound was excellent and the band were on very fine form, playing a setlist that only just strayed as far as their fifth album. And I did take the opportunity to speak briefly to the drummer - catching him by the bar, before the gig - to say just how much I've enjoyed his drumming over the years and that he's a big part of why I love Shriekback. 

-11.9 kgs
Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan

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