
By Aliscotia

Rain and sun & lots of thoughts about ageing well

Last night Julia, Clare and I went to a talk at the Lit Fest from two ladies who have written a book called "The Age-Well Project". Annabel Streets and Susan Saunders are both in their 50s and have done several years of research looking for the secrets of ageing as well as possible. They have read lots of surveys and research studies and have interviewed many people who have aged well. It is a very comprehensive and fascinating book, which I have bought, but here were some suggestions I took away from the talk.
I intend to....
Eat more fibre.
Cut back on snacking (a little)
Go for more walks (under trees)
Jump every day.
Go to bed a little earlier.
Eat my dinner a little earlier.
I'm sure there will be much more in the book, but that is enough to be getting on with!

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