River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Purple Tree Collard ...

... 2 tall plants at back, still green at the moment but should change colour when weather gets colder.
Dry, windy and cloudy all day, temperature around 15°C.
Emptied a compost bin onto a small veg bed near the greenhouse and planted out some greens for the winter: Cavollo Nero, Kale “Thousand Headed”, Red Cabbage, Purple Collard & Merritt Collard - collards are similar to kale and a current perennial vegetable experiment.
I’m always filled with enthusiasm when transplanting veggies but there are slugs & snails out there ...
Noticed that lots of Lamb’s Lettuce still growing from spring sowing, hopefully salad in winter.
Picked a small box of blackberries and added to stewed Bramley apples, probably last time I’ll pick berries this year but lots in the freezer. MrD loves compote :-))
Heavy rain & hail showers late afternoon, perfect for watering in the plants!
Goodnight all, sweet dreams x

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