Silver lining

So, the feckin git of a driver waited til I got to the bus and then he shut the doors and drove off. I was incandescent with rage. But as it turns out I then bumped into someone I know who was lost and I was able to help her. then on the next bus was a well kent face, so we had a wee bit of a blether.

And the rest of the day was great. An hour or so in an arty envirnoment. Then had an entertaining afternoon in very esteemed company, and then my mate and I sampled one of the new watering holes of the city, and very nice it was too.

Then home to watch QI and Shameless and cook a rather tasty tea, washed down with a pinot grigio.

I uploaded a flower blip a couple of weeks ago and a couple of blippers commented that it was very un-MAIT-esque. And it occurred to me that although I take hundreds and hundreds of pics of flowers, I don't actually upload them to blip very often. So I thought you'd like to see these crocuses. Just to the left was a spaniel doing a big jobby. But I decided not to blip that.

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