This was in garden of very rundown house of customer I saw at 11am... think last time his house was vacuumed or dusted was 1977 (when he moved in)...
By that stage I'd already reversed into a wall, completely destroying it, at a lovely new build courtyard development which I thought was where the customer lived (postcode took me there). Incredibly, Bex's little car had the merest scratch on the rear bumper - quite strange. I would have blipped the damage, but in my shock I didn't photograph it. Going to be a pain sorting all the insurance out... but at least from January Pieroth will be paying my insurance so the inevitable rise in premiums won't affect me...
Then office phoning day, but only booked one extra (and two cancelled, including most likely biggest buyer of the week). You win some, you lose some...
Nice chat with Sis, she's enjoying her job in special needs school, then fell asleep in front of Sanditon.

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