Here comes a candle...

By OrangesnLemons

Sail away

'Voyage' by Aether & Hemera, Heron quays, looking west.
I took a slightly different route into the office this morning as I had to pop into the post office to send my birthday present to be exchanged and so was treated to this season's installation.

When my great great grandfather worked in this neck of the woods 300 boats in the dock would have been a normal sight for him (they would have been his workload - the equivalent of my email inbox full of things to do). It's odd to think that nowadays we still do essentially the same function here - manage the transfer of goods from one group of people to another at a daily price, but now never see the items themselves (with the exception of the odd superyacht).

The rest of the day was slow - too many meetings to catch up with everyone after the holidays, and went on too late. I was glad I had blipped in the morning or it would have been a picture of the commute home.

The Christmas tree had gone when I arrived home but there was a lovely bowl of freshly made mushroom soup waiting which more than made up for it.

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