Light Sailing

End of a funny old day when it sorta did everything and The Boss finished his photo book and found the website was having a hissy fit and refused to accept payment. An 0800 NZ number promptly fixed that but even the tech lady througt is was a bit weird.

End of day on Thursday sees sailing on the lake and the sun came out for just a few minutes and The Bossess ( who is good like that) yelled at The Boss who yelled at me to get out of the doorway (There was a great rain  puddle on the deck) and into the sun he went with his C....a thingie with the long glass bit. 
There was a family of Ausi’s across the road as we did a post office adventure after tea and The Boss gave the 2 kids lessons on how to approach a dog. I am really good at this stuff and give great licks to the backs of hands. 

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