Big Hill

By bighill


Our lovely young wwoofer from Germany has been just such a delight to have around, and she is very hard working.   She has painted windowsills, stacked wood, made delicious cookies....washing many many dishes and smiles a lot!

It was market day and Henrike helped me out.  We had to move to a smaller location .... the rink where we have been for the past summer months, has started forming the ice so not very good for sales.   We were all a bit squished in at the Masonic hall, but we still have lots of folks come by and my sales were very good.   The only problem was that they put the 'entertainment' right next to my table!  Well, omg, it was like being in a torture chamber....this young guy, who i am sure is a lovely young man, sounded like a dying cat, i swear to god, it was the most painful singing i've herd in a very long time.   And i wasn't the only one with this view....some of my customers raised their eye brows too!  oh well, it was a good opportunity to work with patience and tolerance!!!!

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