
A productive morning spent sewing with my U3A group, working on the quilt!

Late afternoon R collected me and we went into Lincoln to see the Zest Theatre presentation of Youthquake. Details are available on about a new 360 degree show about being young and changing the world.

The picture was taken before the audience entered, it was a full house with 90% under 25 yr olds.

It was lively, noisy, fun, and very thought provoking. Most of the cast were students from the local college speaking the words of young people across the country. The company will move to another city next week and engage with another group of young people.

I reflected on how life has changed since I was a teenager a long, long time ago!!!! Life is so much more complex these days.

Home to make dinner for the three of us and for Amber and R to have some buddy time :0)

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