Half a step at a time

By dorkytrish


I wanted to blip this pen I found while cleaning my space at work. I had this pen since I started Uni and raising lil Missy S all by myself. It was very special at the time and maybe still is now. I just don't know. It's pink and it has "I believe in you (heart)" I vowed never to loose it, I did a few times but obviously I always found it. It's is like me to loose things! Contemplated on throwing it but then I decided I may keep it. I threw everything that I had before from my past as... Lets call him Mr Grumpy :) (cos he never smiles on photos)... Anyways mr grumpy didnt like it as it was keeping me from moving forward with him... Well I did and now there's no him. Ohh well... Anyways then I found this!!!

As I opened to upload the pen, this came up! My phone took a pic of the road when I was running today! I love the angle and the sign. Shows me that I am going forward and nothing can stop me. I have to leave the past behind and be happy for today. I'm working, I have a roof over my head, I have friends, I am healthy and most of all my lil Missy S is continually growing and is absolutely happy (I hope)

Just love it!!! Amazes me how things can pop up when your not watching and when it appears its absolutely beautiful... That's life, never know what it brings... So happy right now!!!


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