Nothing gets wasted here
Yesterday afternoon I decided I'd better get some of my recent purchases into the garden, moved the fab pink Salvia involucrata 'Bethellii' twice before settling on it's present location only to get whipped around in the strong winds we've had today, as a consequence one of the stem split near the base of the plant. Arghhh! I noticed early on but had a few other jobs to do, ironing, nip into to Newton Abbot, lunch, pack my bag as I'm off to look after Yogi for a few days, sort my food out that I want to take, then I sat down and sifted through some of my images that I thought might be suitable for my next lino cut, a few from a previous visit to the Teign estuary area look promising so gave them the pencil sketch treatment in Picasa which I think will be a useful tool. Loaded them onto a memory stick to take to the library to print off, but when I looked out the door it was raining so heavily that I changed my mind. Watched The Chase, nipped out ot the greenhouse, trimmed this piece of Salvia to make some cuttings, then back in to make dinner. Off to Mums in a minute for a coffee & catch up so thought I would post a quick Blip before I go.
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for continuing to host Flower Friday. It's a great weekly challenge :)
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