Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

More old friends

Back in  Sunderland, my parents were very friendly with Douglas and Meda Outram. They went to the same church and Meda sat in the same pew as Mum and Dad. Douglas was in the choir.

They visited us at home on the evening before my Dad died and we had a good time together. They had no idea that his death was so near.

We have kept in touch since Mum left Sunderland 20 years ago. Last time we saw Meda was over a year ago for her 90th birthday party.

She is very dear to us and it was lovely that Phil and Barbara (her son and daughter) brought her today. Meda is not the person we once knew. Age has taken its toll. Douglass died 4 years ago and she misses him. He was a lovely man who was passionate about all things Norwegian.

Meda is very (VERY) deaf and has never become accustomed to wearing her hearing aids. It's sad, because her church has a loop system and she can't hear anything, so she has given up going. Communication today was a huge challenge. (Thank goodness that Mum puts her aids in when she wakes and removes them at bedtime.)

Lots of memories were evoked today.

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