Every Picture Tells .....


Send him down!


An early and challenging start to the day at my first site visit followed by a long and detailed inspection at Dewsbury Town Hall. Whilst working at the town hall I bumped into Ann who recognised me from Blipfoto and came and introduced herself. I'm sorry that I didn't have the time to stop and chat at length.

A much needed double-caffeine shot at lunchtime and then back to the office to sort out this morning's issue. My planned early (4pm) finish didn't materialise until 5:30 pm.

Today's shot is taken from the Judge's seat at the old courtroom in the town hall. It was in use as a Crown Court until 1982 but is now used mainly for film and tv productions.

The extras are of the new trains that are being introduced on the Transpennine Express routes. - Both shots taken at Dewsbury Station at 8:18 am this morning,

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