Baby Bat

Izzy's favourite creatures are dragons and bats. Ever since she read Debi Gliori's beautiful story Goodnight Baby Bat, she has adored bats, and was very excited when we took her to see some fruit bats last year.

Her current favourite film is the brilliant How to Train Your Dragon, which features an inspired and magical black dragon who is part dragon part bat: a combination of bat and dragon?? Izzy was absolutely captivated!! She has watched the DVD over and over since Grandma bought it for her.

Today, we saw my dear friend Josie, who knits all kinds of wonderful things. She had knitted this little creature for Izzy: a teeny bat whose wings open out when you undo the little pearl button. Baby bat even has two knitted loopholes to hook over a teeny Izzy finger so that she can hang upside down and go to sleep... Magical.

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