
By stuartjross

Oh Bother!

Words to that effect were uttered. I extended the leg and it broke off in my hand.

That I have done so many running repairs to this tripod says how much I like it. The make is no longer available in the UK but earlier repair involved some parts off ebay, then a perfectly good monopod of the same make, also off ebay, being cannabalised to win a couple of shims and leg clamp. This leg previously broke too and though slightly shorter when trimmed and glued back worked still fine. Given how clean this break is -the top part of the leg remains solidly cemented in the socket-I wonder if there was some chemical reaction with the glue to weaken it.

I was trying to recall when I got it. I drove off leaving its predecessor in a car park near a lighthouse at Gairloch -stressed getting Bruce, Caley and Lucie back in the car-and someone had lifted it upon my return. That was April 2013. 

Oddly, a similar distraction took place at the end of this morning's walk with Archie and Caley, and I was actually driving off before realising the tripod was still on the verge. I doubt anyone would have stolen it.

I think there are too many bits seized up, loose when they should be tight, to continue on the repar path. Its getting to be like that decades old brush which has only ever had 10 new handles and 9 new heads.

On the same theme I have just read that a Canadian charter airline have a Boeing 737 200 series in service, built in 1974. 

I have been working on site this morning. I can put some of my over time towards a replacement., a tripod not a passenger jet.

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