The Law

Berwick Law by North Berwick.

Was down the road again this morning to retrieve some bits of furniture ahead of the flat sale. Checked a few things with my brother, who was about to visit Graceland.

Then settled into the garden for a few hours. Weather fresh but sunny and I was able to sit out for a while and listen to the radio and cut the grass.

Lots of debate about the law, judges and politics. And the boundaries between them. It’s a sensitive area and one into which people should tread carefully. Some of the recent language is not conducive to a sensible debate which is what is needed over a long period. Ultimately the law must prevail but any move to more political vetting of judges would, in my view, be a very retrograde step.

To lighten the day watched Strictly where the standard is high this early in the series; caught up with the first episode of Name of the Rose which looks to be a lavish production, and got ready to bake Christmas cakes.

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