Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Adios new shoes.

Swimming at 8.30. Rather busy. At one point the Fast Lane was empty. A lady kept catching up with me, and I suggested that she go in the Fast Lane.

'But I'm not fast enough!'

'But there's nobody there...'

'I'm not fast enough!'

Eventually she did move and had it all to herself, going Not Fast Enough but a damn sight faster than I was.

After my porridge I hot footed it down to the shoe shop to return my unwanted shoes. I had worn them for part of the evening, and for much of this time they were propped up on the coffee table (ie my feet were). Imagine my surprise, nay annoyance, when the little jobsworth examined the soles minutely, a worried frown on her 15 year old face, and then declared that they had been 'used'. The soles were 'scuffed'. She took them into the back room to consult with her superiors. I suspect they had a cuppa too, and a giggle, and left me to stew. I didn't want the shoes. My feet didn't like them. I wanted my money back.

Eventually she came back and agreed that I had not been outside in them. Perhaps they'd already been returned and someone had gone up and down wooden stairs in them. Not me gov!

After my brush with red tape, I went into a certain camera/computer shop. Just for a look. Had a wee touch of the iPad mini. Still an awful price! And I imagine a lot of kids got one for Christmas. In my day we got a satsuma, some brazil nuts, a Broons Annual a Princess Annual and school shoes. And we were happy with that!

I took this photo as I came out of said shop. I should have taken it before going in, when the sun was just peaking from behind the castle rock. Another time.

Bus to visit Uncle A, who now has a coffee machine. A bigger, redder, rounder one than ours! Uncle A got out his bird books, and explained the difference between black headed, brown headed, black backed gulls. I will have to consult my new wee bird book, as I've forgotten already who had orange legs and who had yellow legs.

Off now to meet up with an ex pupil in the Spanish class we attended a year or so ago. S was very very good, but her husband, L, was even less engaged than I was. I was SO glad he was there. He knew the answers to even fewer questions than I did!

It's a beautiful day! Hasta la vista! (I did learn something...)

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