Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness

Morning and the Trees

I look to my right and I see the tree. There lies a story to this growing tree. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful forest, filled with thriving trees, and above which on a throne, sat a king. He was very old, and was soon to die, so he chose the best and kindest of sons Adam to take his place. But there was a plot, the oldest brother Louis, was evil and wicked and wanted the throne for himself, so he killed his father, and all of his brothers except for Adam. But why not just kill Adam, he wanted Adam to watch when he took the throne, and than have him executed. And so it was done, all plans worked out, and the morning of the execution adam walked up to the stand, and Louis said to Adam, "Do you have any last words", "Yes", said Adam, he said "i have planted one lone tree in the forest, and it will grow into the largest tree, and you will never be able to chop it down." Adam was killed, but Louis didn't know what to do about the plant, he knew it would symbolize his loss of his reign of power, so he went searching, for 10 days and 10 nights Louis searched the forest clean, and he got so angry, he ordered to have the entire forest burnt down. But long after he had past away, and the entire town was gone, a little baby tree was sprouting from the ground, and that is what lay here today, growing and proud.

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