Yummy Yecla
One of my favourite Pieroth wines, only had it for a short time 2 years ago, but I won a couple and kept them - also James's favourite, and it was his birthday last week so I took it as a belated birthday present - stayed with him in Nottingham overnight after visits in Grantham, so I could help him move from his flat to his new house up the road...
Grantham visits were good, my favourite one was 97 year old twinkly-eyed Ralph, who bought £600, including our rosé Champagne as a Christmas present for his "girlfriend" :D - wife clearly passed away some years ago, and he then met Anne on a coach trip... They intended to swap numbers but he nearly missed his stop on the way home, so left without any way of contacting her... Then a few months later they randomly bumped into each other at Cambridge Services, and the rest is history...!! She lives about 30 miles away, but she comes round each week and they go out together for the day, and chat on the phone between times. So sweet.
Probably my best ever "road week" sales-wise, 24 sales for just over £8000!
Now I need to do the same on the Isle of Man this week!!
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