Shine a little .....
As its been raining on and off most of the day apart from church this morning we haven't been out. So this is my blip , appropriate for Sunday I thought.
The church looked wonderful, it's a very high ( height) church , all the windows including the stained glass ones over the High Alter , had been cleaned it was so bright and light . The whole church had been thoroughly cleaned over 3 days with a team of 23 volunteers. So lucky to have such a dedicated bunch , as the visiting priest said " Church of England at its best". A very enjoyable service too.
We are watching the F1 which we thought would have to be cancelled as it is in Japan, thank goodness the Typhoon moved away. So sad for the loss of life and the devastation left behind. A is disappointed as his favourite has been in trouble and lost his place, but as the saying goes one man's loss is another's gain.
Do hope you've all had a good Sunday.
Appreciate .... all the lovely people at church
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