Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

The trouble with going to bed at 9.30pm on a Saturday night is you are wide awake at an unreasonable hour on a Sunday morning! I was up before Starbucks opened so had to wait a while for my breakfast!

Decided to head up to Holyrood area to capture the snow on Arthur's Seat. There wasn't as much as I thought there would be and it was so cold - my car said -0.0c. I didn't stay long, the wind was horrendous!
On my way back home the snow got heavier and I spotted these people trying to walk down the mound - one of the girls had high heels on and was finding it very difficult. Unfortunately it is not captured very well as it is through my windscreen.

It is only 11.30am - and I feel like it should be tea time!!

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