Mission . . . .

Unbreakable..... in aid of the Hospice here in north Devon.
I went along with the camera to try and photograph some of these brave souls who give up there Sundays to run around fields in the rain and mud with commando style obstacles to overcome.  Sadly, there was an hour's delay to the start during which time it was dry; then the rain started and the first runners began to filter through..... I have taken hundreds of pictures as you can imagine but here are two of the participants and two of the delightful hounds watching their owners.  The pup was so cute, dressed in a little coat and the sheepdog was having a ball in the water too! The top obstacle is the 'sheep dip' - have to duck down and be pushed through to other side - hence the H&S guys there in the H2O..... the guys told me it stank and tasted like sheep had been it it (they had not obvs).  The barbed wire was not low on the ground like the extreme muddies so they could crawl through on knees, not scrabble on tums!  I managed to stay until gone one but then the rain was just too heavy and I was cold!  Thankful that I could retreat...... the participants were still coming through.
There were about 36 obstacles over the ten miles.

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