Fergie, Lexi and The Boss

Our weather continues to be cold and very un-springlike, not suiting our Townsville family at all.
We had Ella at the airport before 6 am this morning and she was up and away on time so would have made it to college on time.
We all went to the local cafe for brunch which was lovely. (Photo of table n chairs under trees)  And Kaylene cooked dinner tonight - I've got off very lightly with the kitchen duties today.

Lexi went up to Doug this afternoon and asked "Grandad Doug, can you take me too your workshop please"......hence the blip today of her on the Fergie and a also she had a wee sit on the ride-on with the big air-muffs.  She looked hilarious.

We have just had a Facetime with the Wellington family.....well its been all of 12 hours since we saw Ella lol but four days since we saw the other three.  They're all very tired after their weekend in Taupo.


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