Messing with mirrors

Another full-on day. First stop was the Golestan Palace full of gaudy but spectacular mirrors. Built around 1874. The gardens in the complex were beautiful but only one fountain was playing and the palace is surrounded by concrete blocks of flats.

Next we went all the way north to the Shah’s WinterPalace complex. There are dozens of buildings so we went inside two. First we walked uphill to the Green Palace which was built with gorgeous green mottled stones. Apparently the place they were quarried from was blown up so that nobody else could have any. No photos allowed. It had mirrors and plasterwork like the previous place but the effect was more retrained. Round the back I met a group of girls who were drawing and asked for a photo. They asked whether I wanted it with their scarves on or off.

We walked back down the hill to the White Palace which was intended to be in “European” style. This a was mix of Greek columns, Adam plasterwork, French furniture - interesting!

Now we must pack as we leave tomorrow for the mountains. It will be good to get out of the crazy traffic and pollution though it’s been so interesting.

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