You're keeping me awake...
..Sorry Popeye, but I have research to do...
I was up for 6 hours in the middle of the night. I had got into the flow of researching about Android and possible compatible Androids to my Cochlear Speech Processor Nucleus7, that would definitely be supported by Google and Cochlear. And would get Android updates for the foreseeable future. As well as take any Cochlear upgrades to my Processor. And to still have a jackplug. It then got a bit technical by midnight, and while my brain was fully into this, I carried on while I was in the flow. Went to sleep happy at 4:30 am!
My brain for some reason is fully hyper functional in the wee small hours.
So, been checking out best plans today. And the Androids seem to be half the price that I am paying now for my wrecked unusable iPhone and wrecked compatibility with my Cochlear Speech Processor with this latest IOS upgrade. (I have an intense aversion to the iPhone and Apple at this minute) And the plan includes the phone.
I am pretty certain I am going for the choice I have made, but I need to touch and handle it first. And see what it sounds like. If the sound is awful for me I will need to rethink. And the salesperson could even offer me a better payment plan.
Why do you need a jack plug socket I can see you wondering? Because I have a lot of stuff that allows me connectivity via a jack plug, as well as Cochlear equipment for microphone, speaker, a loop system for hearing in a group situation etc. And with all phones getting rid of the jackplug socket I need to get a new phone before the jack plug socket disappears entirely. Apple have abandoned the jack plug socket completely, but some Android devices still appear to have them, but I will need to see the particular model I have selected to make sure it has a jack plug socket.
Having an adapter jack plug, which they are giving out now, to go into the charge socket of the phone is absolutely NO good for me because, as my hearing is so bad even with this Cochlear Implant (even though it is a vast improvement on hearing nothing) the adapter jack plug degrades the available sound I hear into something completely useless. So, I need a dedicated jack plug socket in a device.
I feel a lot calmer and happier now I have done all this research, even though I am tired today.
The poor phone salesperson is not going to know what’s hit them when I go in (in a few days because I am still thinking on this) with all my questions and charged up equipment to see if it is all fully compatible with the Android phone I have selected...
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