
By bananablip

finally, sunshine

i've been back in the uk for nearly a month now and i think today was the first proper winters day with frost on the ground and crisp blue skies. every other day has been rainy, urgh.

decided to go on a nice long bike ride to celebrate. it was beautiful. i stopped off at a little old church on the banks of a river which has stood on that spot for nearly 300 years. i went inside to get my breath back (how cool is it that these churches are always open) and it was good for some reflection. i've been trying to make some pretty big decisions lately, a position which makes you wrongly believe that the whole world revolves around you. sitting there in the same place that worshippers have sat for 300 years made me realise afresh that our life is but a breath. what is important is not where you live, what your job is or how much money you make, but that we take this breath and do everything we can to leave a legacy for when we have gone.

my dad says that all i do is ride my bike and take photos. maybe that's true. i suppose it's better than being on the street cramming my veins full of drugs.

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