
By Fiona50

Horse and tree

Finally some sun -so lovely after days and days of grey. I could only pop out at lunchtime but liked the silhouetted shapes with a low sun.

Feeling very tired and did a shorter day to compensate for 2 late evenings. Something very strange happened. My first boss in Local Govt -a Quanity Surveyor -we worked together 26 or so years ago -has joined the team . I was quite freaked out - I think just because of how much I've changed in those years and having to revisit a relationship after that length of time. There was just the two of us working together and so we were quite close in a way for a while. It was nice but feels like there's a lot to reestablish!

For anyone in the Oxfordshire area -I know its short notice but there will probably be a blipmeet on Sunday -see the Forum! Hope you can make it

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