The Longest Day

Alice arrived at 815, and the boys arrived at 9.00 - it was raining. By the time they’d got set up it was easing and another heavy days work, moving and preparing the beds for turf, which they will lay tomorrow. They did a couple of extras and at the last minute the pink flowering cherry tree got a reprieve as we decided to keep it. They were done just after two having worked like Trojans.

Alice was very good until Zak arrived having been collected from preschool by C. All hell broke loose, he got excited and peed on my trouser leg where he'd been sitting a minute, then moved and peed on Cs trousers. I gave him a little talking to about it especially as I'd just asked him if he needed to go and he said No.

Mummy arrived at 5pm to take them home which wasnt a moment too soon.... And breathe...

Showery start followed by some dry weather and we even daw the sun.

Thanks for calling in today.

Day 59 - shoulder

2000 units of F8 injected no problems all is fine.

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