Copper Beech Photography

By Copperhobnob

Face Down Tuesday

An indoor face down today as I feel utterly rubbish. The asthma attack that started at the end of November shows no sign of abating... Well, I tell a lie, it abates, I go back to work and it gets worse again.

I have been talking to occupational health at work, she sent me home yesterday but has been incredibly helpful in the main and is liaising between me and my boss. I work in menswear and I fear that clothes fibres in the air are making this worse so they might try me in a non-clothes section. Additionally, I am being referred up to the hospital as this is not standard asthma. My lungs are clear and there's no wheeze yet my chest is tight and I'm breathless. SO fed up of all this.

So here's me with all the medication I take on a daily basis.

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