Not Mono Monday ....

If I had known how this day would end I don't think I would have gotten out of bed!

I will try to make this as brief as possible:

Last night when I went to reach for something I felt a soreness on my left flank but didn't think anything of it at the time.  Fast forward to today .... I woke up to incredible pain in that area.  But for the most part I simply dealt with it. 

When Richard got home from work he suggested going to Express Care to see if they could diagnose the problem.  So off we went to Express Care where I described my pain.  The physician assistant there suggested that we go to the ER for a CT scan based on the level of pain I was having. The hospital is on the same grounds as the Express Care office so it didn't take long for us to get over there.

We walked into a packed ER room and knew we were in for a long night.  And a long night it was, too.  It was about an hour before I was even called to be seen to a "room" .... where I had to put on one of those very stylish gowns.  Then it was time for a battery of tests .... blood, urine and a CT scan.  Total time in ER: 5 1/2 hours.  We didn't get home until 11:38 p.m. 

Long story short ...... the doctor thinks I have shingles!  Shingles?!? Really?!?  There is no rash so I'm hoping it isn't shingles.  I have an appointment on Thursday with my PCP (primary care physician) so I will let you know then what he says. Any happy thoughts/prayers you want to send this way would be greatly appreciated!

Luckily I got this chippy picture earlier in the day! 

Backblipped: October 17, 2019

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