
By Echo

Butterfly girl

The party was great fun but I was not really in the mood. I felt I had to go as the children would have been disappointed. I was also the photographer as my son's camera was stolen in the break-in a few weeks ago and they are still waiting to replace it.
Our dog Polly was quite disorientated this afternoon and very sick which did not happen last time she had "an episode" a few weeks back. I took her to the vet who did some blood tests which were clear for any problem with her kidneys and liver. Her ear did not seem to be giving any trouble . The vet kept her at the surgery to observe her while I went to the Birthday Party for an hour. She then took her home with her as she seemed to be having them repeatedly. She thinks there may be some serious underlying problem so we need to have a serious talk tonight when Mr Echo comes home.

A day of highs and lows.

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