Place: Boulder, CO 41/77 > IAD > Reston, VA 49/57
Main activity: Travel, Honor Flight with Water Cannon Salute in DC!
Notes: Up way too early (3a mtn time) - realized Alice hadn't come back from her friend's the night before and had a bit of anxiety. Went to work  on data tho and then showered for the flight. She returned 545a and took me to Table Mesa for the 715a bus. Pretty smooth day. Breakfast @ Root Down, flight got delayed 1.5hrs but then immediately went back to on time - big group of veterans and their helpers - 22 of each - got us back on track. Turned out to be an Honor flight, landed 415p on time at Dulles with water cannon salute on each side of the gate we pulled into, music and a crowd waiting as we got off the plane - veterans got off last so even in 9th row, was off within couple min. Quick train and outside where Mic was pulling up! 

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