A little out of focus.....

and happily so :-)

I havent blipped for a couple of days....and they have been days filled with both great happiness and sadness. At work a colleague died very unexpectedly - he was young and seemingly very healthy. He had a stroke at the age of 42. I didnt know him very well but really liked what I knew- he was always cheerful and full of life. The students loved him and he was very close to many of my colleagues....it has been sad at work these first days back after the holiday.

And yet at the same time I can't help but be very happy these days. Feeling very grateful for all that I have and get to experience...life is good :-)

I have been playing a lot lately and I need to do some catching up with work and photography as well.....tonight it felt good to take out the camera and play a bit....an out of focus self portrait seemed spot on tonight :-)

I hope you are all well :-)

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