
By seddon

This is boooooorrrrriiinngg.

I slept the best I have in ages last night, only waking up twice!!
We were all up and ready quickly this morning, which meant me and Thomas did lots of playing before school drop off.
Me and mummy very quickly headed home after dropping Thomas off, with just enough time for me to have a feed before going back out to church for the school harvest festival. Thomas and his class did a brilliant job of singing the harvest tango! I was a good girl and sat/stood on mummy's knee watching.
On the way home we called in at the pharmacy for daddy's prescription - it was so boring waiting for it, I just sat yawning in my buggy!
Home for a quick lunch and a little play, before going back to school early to watch Thomas's class showcase of their topic this term - the great fire of London. I sat on Thomas's knee and all of his friends fussed over me!
Daddy got home in time for tea - although I was too hungry to wait, so had my tea sat in my highchair in the doorway of the kitchen whilst mummy was attempting to cook everyone else's! (she had one hand feeding me spaghetti bolognese leftovers from last night, one hand stirring chicken fajitas!)

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