Pure white .....
...... Alstroemeria!
Has been raining on and off all day , "A" managed to get a wood work job finished before it came down , it didn't last long but the day has been hit and miss for the dry patches.
Went to the hairdressers this afternoon always good for the spirit , always a laugh to share!
Then I had to food shop for Sunday ( as I'm a Rugby fan , I'll " be a watching!") I've never seen so much traffic in this 1 mile stretch it took me 30 minutes to get to Sainsbury's, usually 5 minutes at the most. The traffic was heavy both ways but couldn't see any reason why. Without an accident had directed traffic onto another road, not sure.
My mobility is so bad today I'm really fed - up. Hope tomorrow will be better.
Hope you've had a good day folks.
Appreciate .... "A" and his help today
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