Bottling it up

It's been a horrible wet day so spent the morning doing time sheets and waiting for someone to collect Daughter Number 1's litter tray I sold of Facebook Market place.

Then I chose to drive to Kingscote Vineyard instead of walk there from the sports club as I wanted to see Ally first who works there. Bella gets really excited when she sees her and covers her in mud. My plan worked. We got to see Ally who was actually busy in the bottling shed!! She let me have a go at putting the gold foil on the top of the bottle. At £50 a pop she was very trusting that I didn't drop one with my dodgy shoulders!!!!

I then walked Fluffy Legs round the Vineyard where I collected chestnuts then back to the cafe Barn where Mr W joined me for cake and cheese straws. Ally also joined us. I had to make Fluffy Legs wash off her muddy legs in the stream first!!! Then she was just soggy legs!!!

It was a lovely walk despite the mud and good to get out. I'm still a bit grumpy with the work situation so have asked the Union to help again with certain aspects.... mainly being paid for work you were booked for, then asked to come out of (by a parent) then not being offered an alternative. The downfall of a zero hours contract. One that's worked well for 10 years.

Mr W kindly bought dinner. I still had to cook it but it was nice not having to think about what to cook for a change!!!!

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