sunshine on the ships

Freighters near Cowichan Bay, late afternoon and a setting sun.

Photograph taken from Genoa Bay. Looking south towards Brentwood Bay.

"The harbour master at Port Metro Vancouver, Yoss LeClerc, told SunFM News that cargo vessels may be held up at the terminals for various reasons and create a backlog, forcing some ships to anchor in places like Cowichan Bay, around the Gulf Islands and off Ladysmith."

"For example, grain shipments from the Prairies are often delayed because of winter weather. "

"Adding to the delays this year is the state of the Roberts Bank terminals. They were damaged in December when a bulk carrier crashed into them and the coal spilled remains in the water. LeClerc said authorities are assessing what is required for the clean-up and repair project before proceeding and that the work is pending." (

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