Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Not a day for going outdoors!

What a lousy day!  Drizzle since 6am ranging from a light misting to a persistence of the stuff.  Low cloud meant any thought of a scenic shot or a walk down the beach was out of the question so it was toy box time.

I was hoping to fit opening doors on this model but my fat fingers and a very restricted working aperture left me frustrated earlier in the week and I put it aside.  Now, after a rethink I've rebuilt the luggage area and made it ready for assembly later in the week.  It's meant using super glue and I hate the stuff but so far my fingers remain unstuck!

The pic shows the elements of the model loosely fitted and still to 'fine fit'.  It'll appear in the black and white livery of Western SMT.  The actual vehicle, YYS174, a Bedford C5Z with Duple body was new in May 1960 and first entered service in MacBraynes red, green and cream livery from Lochgoilhead depot but when WSMT acquired that bit of MacBraynes in 1970 they repainted it and it was garaged at Ardrishaig.  It was unusual in having a caged area for the Royal Mail and was often seen exchanging parcels with the MacBraynes Glasgow service at the top of The Rest and Be Thankful.  It also spent some of its MacBraynes life on Islay but ended up at Lochgoilhead with Douglas Campbell.  After being retired it was preserved.

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