Hokey Pokey

When you put your whole self in or your whole self out.

Where better to go than to a Chartered Physio.

I don't know what the difference is between a Physio and a Chartered Physio. Is one a real and is the other a quack. Or is it just a quango. 

In Ireland if you are a teacher or a nurse you have to pay a registration fee to teach or nurse.

A few years ago the Nursing Registration board decided to increase the fee from €100 a year to €150. That was ok the nurses union leader said none of his members would pay any fee and they could sack them all. Not to mention you cannot get any trained nurse to stay here when their training is over. They promptly decided not to implement the increase and the nurses have nursed on without this extra levy. I wonder what they were going to do with the extra money they were going to screw out of the hard working nurses.

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