
By notabeve

View From The Breakfast Table

Pfft. I just wrote a long description and lost it. No time to rewrite tonight. The drive home was long and stormy today.

A very nice breakfast it was, too; vegie omelette, fresh fruit and a raisin bran muffin with a carafe of decaf and a chatty cheerful server. His father was an English teacher he told me. After a few games the whole family refused to play Scattergory with Dad, not because he was so good at it but because he'd try to baffle them with anything he could make up.

So,breakfast was relaxing; my short visit with M was relaxing, as was a quick trip to a fun shoe store where, as hoped, winter boots were on sale.

After I picked up Lexus from the vet to head home things got less relaxing. Strong wind (50 to 60 to sometimes 80 km/h) lifted snow from surrounding fields and sifted it across the highway in swirling clouds. Visibility was reduced and then after I'd gone too far to turn back, just p--- poor. The trip that took just over two hours yesterday took three hours today. I crept the last miles home in a long string of vehicles creeping the icy, whited out highway. Getting L's message, once I reached town, to say she'd keep the other two dogs for another night made me wobbly kneed, deep sigh of relief happy! The idea of heading out on another snowy highway in the dark to get them was easy to abandon.

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