Jaye's Blip

By Jaye

The Devil and the pirate

This blip is a shot of the Devils Peak which lies to the left of Table Mountain. There is a local legend....

As the story goes Van Hunks, a pirate in the early 18th century, retired from his eventful life at sea to live on the slopes of Devil's Peak. He spent his days sitting on the mountain, smoking his pipe. One day a stranger approached him, and a smoking contest ensued which lasted for days. The smoke clouds built up and a strong wind blew them down towards the town. When Van Hunks finally won the contest, the stranger revealed himself to be the Devil (hence Devil's Peak), and the two disappeared in a puff of smoke. Legend says that the cloud of smoke they left became Table Mountain's tablecloth - the famous white cloud that spills over the mountain when the south-easter blows in summer.

( from http://www.cape-town.info/pages/attractions/table-mountain.php )

It's even more amazing when you are actually up on the mountain top. In this place, one of the iconic cities of the world, you are never far away from stunning views of the mountain.

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