Time To Shop

We went to town today to buy AW's winter boots.  He'll need them where we're going next week.  He doesn't know yet where because it'll be a surprise.  He'll also need swimming trunks, though ... hahaha!

This is the old Town Hall of Breda.  We got married here.  It's possible that they're still using it for marriage ceremonies.  We posed outside on those steps.  The new Town Hall is a modern building just outside the medieval centre, for the rest of the unromantic stuff.

After buying the boots, we also bought a pair of warm house mocassins for me, and then we had a very late lunch (16.00).

On the MOOC front, having finished studying about types of Dementia last Wednesday, I'm now reading all about how to take better care of people who have this disease.  I think it's good to have an idea of some things, even though they're not relevant ... yet.  I hope neither of us get a disease like that.  There is one thing I will definitely stop studying -- any business-related course.  I'm done with that.

A pleasant day but still feeling a little rotten about what happened.

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