
By SweetArt

CNY (Chinese New Year) preparations

Our local supermarket, Fusion, has got the CNY decorations and supplies up already brightening the aisles up to no end! The top left are Chinese fire crackers, decorative ones and top right are lai see packets.

Lai see packets usually contain 'brand new' (preferably) notes of either HK$10, 20, 50 or 100. They are usually given to children, cleaners and always to single people, with both hands and should be received with both hands. And of course with wishes for good fortune and luck. Giving two means double fortune and double luck!

CNY is the BIG holiday here and practically everything shuts down (thank goodness), especially in China. All the migrant workers go home to their villages to be with their families. In HK re holidays, for companies it's 3 days holidays, schools a week.

No doubt I'll be sharing more of the CNY traditions and colourful decorations as we get closer to it, Feb 10th, double celebration for us as its our older son's 16th birthday.

Might start taking my Nikon into town and capturing the activities leading up to it, GK will be happy! Oh the pressure.

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