Dance with me

14th February 2013 is V-Day. One billion women and those who love them across the globe will strike, rise and dance to demand an end to violence against women.

Our plan in Norwich is simple. We'll have a mass dance outside the Forum in the city centre at 1pm. We hope this will inspire 20,000 women and those who love them across the city to dance too. Why?

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime

One billion women violated is an atrocity

One billion women dancing is a revolution

One billion rising will move the earth, activating women and men across every country. V-Day wants the world to see our collective strength, our numbers, our solidarity across borders.

For further info on the event check out:
or this, which is all about the Norwich event or follow NorwichRising here.

If you can't make it to one of the events on the 14th you can still learn the campaign dance here.

Some of my friends are the organisers of the Norwich event, and here you see my dancing shoes.

On this coming Sunday (13th) some of us are meeting up at the Forum at 10am to do a photo shoot where my friend Shelly Telly (she's a community film maker) will make a short film to show what's happening in Norwich, another friend Anne Francis will be taking people through the moves and I'll be taking photos.

Okay, this alone isn't going to stop the violence but if nothing else it will raise awareness of the enormity of the problem.

Dance with me.

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