Bog Roll And Bats

A productive day. I made two trips to our local shopping centre where, with production of three receipts, you get to roll a large die to win free Halloween toilet rolls to the equivalent number you rolled. Arthur rolled a three, I rolled a two, Kazuko rolled a six and then, in the afternoon, I had another turn and rolled a one and Arthur rolled another three. We now have a free Halloween toilet roll display at home.

I booked a hotel in Kyoto for when I run the Kyoto Marathon in February. I was considering taking a trip to Sakaiminato to visit the Shigeru Mizuki Museum during next week's mid-term holiday. However, it turned out that it would work out rather expensive considering how small the museum is and that there was nothing else close by worth visiting so, instead of that, I have booked a trip to the Otsuka Museum of Art in Naruto next Wednesday. I have always wanted to go there and it can be done in one day pretty cheaply. I can also see the whirlpools from the Onaruto Bridge while I am there.

Thanks to the newly enthroned Japanese Emperor for this most welcome national holiday.

Oogie Bogroll Song

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