Specific miscellany

By JohnLamont

Wanna eat sweets kids? Then get used to this guy!

This is one aspect of childhood that never appeared to have consequence. Boy was I wrong. I had a 'sweet tooth' as a nipper and my first Dentist terrified me. I have very unpleasant memories of Dentist visits, a mixture of pain, being resented, despised, even a knee on my chest to pin me to the seat - sheer terror. Many recollections of waking-up having been smothered by the black smelly rubber mask. A toxic marriage of a bad Dentist and a child who ate too many sweets.

Second Dentist was like no other. A Gentile manner, always informed you of what was being done before doing it. Few years later and my mouth, smile and confidence was much improved.

My current Dentist is also a good one. Perhaps a bit fast, but he is technical dexterous, effective and has a good manner too. It is not an easy occupation when you think of whats involved.

So today I had another filling and scaling. Content my Dental health is as good as it can be. Would love a set of Tom Daily ceramic veneers. Perhaps tomorrow.

As a parent, it was important to ensure our children's eating and brushing habits leave them with a great set of pegs. And they do. Phew! Long road for a life lesson.

Thanks Mark.

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