A Banksy Not!

Hardly a Banksy, just the work of the mindless hoodlums who roam the Centre of the City with aerosol cans, too much time on their hands and a determination to cover any blank surface with graffiti...... or is this classed as street art?

Happy is she who got more wool to complete yesterday’s fingerless mitt. I collected it at 8 :45 from the appointed meeting place, did a spot of shopping in town, arrived home 10:30 and finished the glove at 3:30. What a relief to have the assignment for Friday finished early.

It’s been rather a bleak day- cold and grey outside and marginally less so inside. With the immediate knitting finished, I must attend to everything else that has been stacking up over the last 2 weeks and waiting for my attention.
I might even manage to finish the book I’m reading for the book group on Thursday-A Year if Marvellous Ways by Sarah Winman. I don’t know what to make of it so far, but everything may click into place once I get back to reading it.

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