Picnic in the Park

I didn't ask their names, so let's call them Harry and Joe. I was just driving out of Bradgate Country Park when I spotted them enjoying a spot of lunch under a spreading oak tree.

It was very pleasant sitting in the sun. It was one of those times when I felt I just had to take a photo although I think it would have been better if I had caught Harry taking a bite of his sandwich.

They blamed Joe's wife for not providing a flask of tea, I told them off and said they could alway go to the café. They laughed.

Basil and I had a wonderful time ambling round the park looking for deer. We should have been there at daybreak but I was too tired.

A good snooze in the conservatory this afternoon, then I cooked myself a steak for tea, and headed off to Leicester Cathedral with Colin for a concert by Harry Christopher's Sixteen. Brilliant.

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