Recommended to me by customer on IoM - a bunch of Brummies trying to escape a Zombie apocalypse in Birmingham by canal boat... quirky, surreal, and perfect for a bit of light entertainment after a day in the office. ITV hub if you're interested...
After the office I had a customer tasting 100 yards from home, which was great! I like doing tastings with people who know their wine and are interested in learning about it rather than just "I like that, I don't like that" - though they seemed to find plenty they liked, and bought about twice as much as they ever have done before... I have 'done my month' already after the amazing last two weeks, and I think success does breed success, for lots of reasons - but being able to be chill and relaxed, not worrying about how much I'm going to sell I think does help to get bigger sales, ironically. Only 4 more appointments booked this week so far, so I will need to spend some time on the phone this week though... :/
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