
By cakescakescakes

Sharing the limelight!

Lovely day today! Very pleasant walk at good old Achaderry and not a waterproof jacket in sight! The sun is still out and it hasn't rained all day; amazing!
I was very excited to hit the spotlight yesterday with my Chocolate creations and thank you everyone for your lovely comments on blip 100. Given me renewed enthusiasm for the next have been warned!
Poor S is at home today with a stinking cold; again! It's calpol, sympathy and maybe a wee drop homebaking to keep his spirits up. He's hoping to be well enough for school tomorrow as he has a maths test; he takes his school work very seriously you see. I have bravely promised to accompany my friend to the gym tomorrow for the first time in months so its like I've got a test tomorrow too; think S has probably done much better on the revision front!

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